Master’s Degree in International Development & Public Policy (IDPP)
Why a Master’s Degree in International Development & Public Policy (IDPP)?
Support leaders to have a meaningful impact in their communities.
Following a long tradition of US top universities (Harvard Kennedy, Chicago Harris, Columbia SIPA) and a recent trend in Europe (PPS at the LSE, Blavatnik at Oxford), we aim to provide the right skills to support the performance of governmental and non-governmental organizations in demanding and diverse socio-economic contexts.
The IDPP Master’s is an applied program where collaborative projects outside our school have a central role.
We target practitioners who will take leading roles in development institutions and setting public policies.
The program fulfils the mission of the school in bridging to society and impacting sustainable development through better policies.
Who are the IDPP Master’s Students?
Full-time students
Mix of pre-experience with mid-career.
Different backgrounds
Economics, management and other social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering.
In organizations with a public policy dimension, with high potential.
Long term objective
Build a community of public policy leaders.
Why IDPP Master’s?
The perfect mix between classroom format and hands-on experience that will provide you the tools to create real impact.
Take the most out of real-world connections, with privileged access to partners and experts in the field.
Economics for policymakers, with an important management component.
Strong international vocation, bringing future leaders from a wide range of contexts to Nova SBE.
IDPP Master’s Course Structure
1st term/semester composed of dedicated core courses:
- Markets, Incentives, and Behavior.
- Statistics for Policy Action.
- Management.
- Politics and Public Policy / International Relations and Organizations.
- Public Policy I and International Development I.
Partnership with IPRI (Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais), from UNL.
2nd term/semester of mandatory and optional courses.
- Policy Evaluation.
- Public Policy II and International Development II.
- Two half-semester courses in Economics selected from a wide range of applied courses.
- Two half-semester courses in Management.
Programs to Collaborate in IDPP Master’s
The Policy Analysis Project
Master’s Class
Course Endorsement
Module Endorsement
Directed Research Internship
Other Collaboration Opportunities
Grants & Scholarships
Student Awards and Prizes Endorsement
Career and Corporate Placement
Find out more
Download the IDPP Master’s Brochure or go to Nova SBE’s website for detailed about the Program.
About Nova SBE Master’s programs:
A school for a Better Future
Our role is to contribute to address the challenges of humanity, as individuals, institutions and people, in a world riddled with disruption. Our ambition is to help build a future that is sustainable, inclusive, peaceful and rich in knowledge.
We Are a School of Curious Minds:
Intenational Students
Students Anually,
35 Student clubs on a variety of topics
160 Professors
from more than 20 countries
16th Worldwide
MSc in Management (FT Ranking)
14th Worldwide
MSc in Finance (FT Ranking)
3rd in Europe
MSc in Economics (FT Ranking)
1st in Portugal
Executive Education School (FT Ranking)