Pedro Brinca was on SIC Notícias Manhã, to comment on the new inflation numbers and interest rates going forward. He also made comments to ECO regarding the new fiscal rules being implemented by the EU. To Expresso and Jornal de Económico, he gave an interview about the relevance of the 10GW off-shore wind farm project in terms of the economic impact and energy autonomy. To TVI and CNN, he explained how Most Portuguese will benefit from the fall in the IRS but there’s an effect that makes it less effective” and how Mariana is right, minimum wage may not reach EUR1000 in 2028. To Money, Money, Money (Expresso podcast) he commented on the housing market and perspectives regarding the long-run interest rates. To TSF he highlighted APED’s (Associação Portuguesa de Empresas de Distribuição) strategic vision until 2027.